God's Direction
Dr. David Humphreys shares from Isaiah 26:3, revealing God’s promise of perfect peace to those
Ben explores what the Bible teaches about true wisdom—not measured by intelligence or age, but
Romans Part Two – The Heart of God’s Plan
In light of the problem the whole world has (which you can hear about by
Romans – Part One – The Problem
The book of Romans unpacks the Gospel but this “good news” starts with a problem.
Why Jesus came into the World, stooping so low
Peter Bolton shares his thoughts about why Jesus came into the World, stooping so low.
Encouragement for the Believer in the New Year
The apostle Paul has some encouraging words for the Philippian church that we can take
The Redeemer
The nameless “close” relative of Ruth 4 was only interested in the material wealth represented
A Marriage Proposal
Starting from a hopeless situation, Ruth’s faithfulness to Naomi reflects God’s enduring faithfulness to His
Nebuchadnezzar’s Vision
“College Graduate Encounters Executioner First Day On The Job!” might have been the headlines in
Walking With God in Africa
Listen as Keith & Cheryl Kowalski, a couple from Saskatchewan, describe how God has led